Schedule, Rates & Registration

For Ashtanga Mysore, drop-ins welcome.
For Pregnancy and Mom & Baby,
use the blue buttons to sign up.

Click the class or teacher name for more information.

Hawaii General Excise Tax 4.712% will be added
no expiration! no refunds
no expiration! no refunds, no transfers
no refunds, no transfers, no extensions
Class passes are good to use at both locations.
To gift classes put "gift" in the message field; we'll contact you for delivery.
Private lessons available by arrangement at your home or hotel: $120 for 60 minutes, $145 for 75 minutes, $170 for 90 minutes, with additional rates for two or more people.
We do not retain or have access to credit card numbers. We do keep your contact information for our records. We do not share your information with any third parties.